Saturday, December 7, 2013

Soundwave And Blaster Comparison

 Today we will look at soundwave and blaster now first look says there are some minor differences first big one is there colours are not the same witch is great, Next up is the wheels and chest plate most important is probably the heads are different .
 Soundwave includes lazerbeak  and he includes the auto morph feature to transform the disk when it is ejected, also the weapons are different between then soundwave has his shoulder mounted wile blaster has his handheld.
Soundwave is in his standard blue the disk in the chest is a great update to the classic cassette that generation one soundwave had,
One of blasters big features is the disk holder in his chest and using an auto morph feature the disk transform as there being ejected rather a cool concept  
blasters included disk is steeljaw and he is more or less the same as soundwaves ravage (included in the cybertron disk two packs) but just in a yellow/gold white colour.
Blaster is very much an autobot styled paint scheme bright red with a white/grey and then yellow on the chest and the little seat by the gun,

Overall a great pair of transformers with features that are a nod to the classic generation one transformers and updated styling,

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